Monday, September 7, 2009

Holidays Start Today

I am off until Oct 5th at the rail, just finished my last shift. So I should get some good riding in however it is pissing really hard right now.


  1. The Rev and I have been riding the shit outa Cali the past few days.

    007, some extra miles here and there, then Lake Tahoe, it was epic

    i'm still on course for coming to interbike and hooking up with you guys. I'll bring Jerky for you guys, your own bag, but I need a favor.

    I need to get into the show, so if you guys could make a copy of your invites for Sonia and I we sure would appreciate it.

    otherwise, how you gonna get yer jerky?

    have fun over the next few days off man, hell you got a month off, enjoy man. see ya in two weeks or so.

    mas or minus.

  2. I'll look forward to seeing you guys in Vegas
    Should be a party with the Rev, we will have to hit the punk bar it will take ya back
